The Issues
Julia knows how deep CD 5's values run. As a born and raised resident of the district, Julia will always fight to protect our values and stand for all of Louisiana's 5th Congressional District.
100% Pro-Life
Julia has been a devout Christian her entire life and will always fight for the unborn.
Putting LA-05 Back To Work
Julia will help create and bring jobs to our district. That includes opposing any increase to minimum wage.
Protecting the 2nd Amendment
Julia is a staunch defender of our constitutional right to bear arms.
Supporting Farmers, Loggers, & Ranchers
Julia will continue to promote and support our Agriculture and Logging industries.
Standing Up For Oil and Gas
Louisiana is built on the Oil and Gas Industry. Julia will always fight to make sure we support and protect our Oil and Gas Industry.
Supporting Our Veterans, Service Members, Law Enforcement, & First Responders
Julia will always support the men and women who protect our country at home and abroad.
Rebuilding Our Infrastructure
Julia will work to ensure we get vital funding for our declining infrastructure, and to expand rural internet access.
Supporting Education
From Early Childhood Education to Higher Ed, Julia believes education is a catalyst to elevate the district out of poverty.
Protecting Election Integrity
Julia will always fight to ensure we have secure and safe elections.
Protecting the 1st Amendment
Julia will always defend our constitutional right to freedom of speech, press, and assembly.
Focus on Rural Development
Julia will be a strong advocate for our rural communities and fight to preserve our way of life.
Supporting Our Seniors
Seniors are the greatest generation who paved the way for us, and we need to ensure they receive the best care in the world.
Support Our Teachers & Public Employees
Julia will work to end the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) which unfairly penalizes retirees' Social Security benefits.